New Layout

May 05, 2006 03:36

I thought it was time to stop being lazy and just make a header already. We haven't had one in awhile. I wanted something simple and dare I say "organic" since that is the point of our name...or something like that. Also it's getting warmer and springy so light colors were the way to go. Anyway, what do you all think? For the life of me I can't figure out how to match the background color exactly with it. It looks fine on Firefox but not on IE. Oh well, that seems to be the case with every layout since my personal header looks fine on IE but off on Firefox. *kicks them both*

Oh yeah and the layout is from roniabirk who is my hero. If you are interested in it, visit her journal for the link. And don't forget to tell her that she rocks if you snag it.
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