Brief Hiatus

Oct 10, 2005 12:59

My poor computer just came down with a horrible case of the "Error running operating system". This means that I must take it to the doctor and it will take them 3-4 business days to fix it. That means I will be without Bettie Page (yes I named it) for that *sniff* long. I will still have access to the internets via the library but not as regularly. I'm hoping that I won't lose everything on there because that would be nearly all of my music, family pictures and all my graphic resources. The dude at Data Doctors assured me that he could retrieve my word files but I was more concerned about my music and graphics. (Dork!) Anyway, everything should be fine and I'll be back on and making pretty things in about a week.

Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone! :)

Thanks for all the fabulous feedback on the poll! There were some great suggestions and enough praise to make us blush furiously. Thanks guys! Lindsey is pretty busy with school and work so I don't know if she'll update this week or not. It's only a week without new icons. You'll be all right, won't you? ;)

x-posted to my personal journal.
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