A Song You Used To Love, But Now Hate
So this meme is back, after a break of only five damn months. And annoyingly for a return effort this one gave me a bit of a difficult time, as I simply wasn't sure where to look. I am lucky/unlucky enough that the vast majority of the bands I have listened to over the years still provide me with entertainment value, even if my love for them has turned to nostalgia.
15-year old Matt had no problem whatsoever banging his head and singing along with passion to Iron Maiden and Meat Loaf. 31-year old Matt will still do that ironically. Or seriously, if he can get away with it in the right company. The spark that made me listen to those albums on repeat is gone, but an appreciation remains. There are bands who have completely fallen by the wayside, but I wouldn't go so far as to hate them. My instinctive choice was my first ever cassette purchase (The Rembrandts, if you MUST know) but then I realised I bear them no antipathy whatsoever. I just don't like them anymore.
So what to do? Well, a solution presented itself slowly at the back of my brain. How about a song I really liked when I first heard it, that has gradually become near-unacceptable due to being massively overplayed at clubs, on music television and generally anywhere there is anything approaching heavy music being thrown around?
Yeah, that'll do. But there are a lot of songs out there a little like that, frankly. Which one to - oh. Wait. Yeah. That one. DEFINITELY that one. I have no idea how, twenty years on, some people can still bang their heads to this week in, week out at their local shitty metal club. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIVES.
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