A Song You Can Dance To
Well, I can dance to lots of songs. Almost anything in fact. Whether I do it well enough not to come off like a flailing gibbon is for you to decide.
So I have decided to simply pick my favourite song to dance to. It had to be something 'dancey', since while I do love gurning and pounding the air to metal one cannot deny the lure of the beat. I thought about going halfway with "After The Flesh" by My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult (a song I remember dancing to most enthusiastically in my teens) but at the end of the day Cubanate got into first position.
No matter how tired I am, how moody I am, how badly the rest of the DJ set has stunk or how ugly my fellow dancefloor patrons are I will always shake my ass to this. Only a debilitating physical or emotional injury might stop me, and even then I only give it about a 50/50 preventative ratio.
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