Kanga Organics invites you to visit our blog for your organic beauty updates

Aug 13, 2009 01:17

Hi Everyone,

Kanga Organics is a new organic beauty online store in Singapore.  I hope you can support by visiting our blog for more organic updates.  Our website is www.kangaorganics.com  Just to share a little on the background story of Kanga Organics:

Kanga Organics, a new online store, is launched by a passionate and zealous beauty junkie, Joey Lam. She loves trying out new brands of beauty products, and almost looks forward to whenever her skincare runs out, in order to experience something new.

Then one day, she ran out of brands to switch to. That’s when she started looking into less commercial brands that make ‘No animal testing’ claims on their labels - it made perfect sense to the animal lover. To her surprise, the product range was quite limited. That started her on a research hunt, which led her into the world of organic products.

This field was even more limited - most of the products were too pricey. Determined to hunt down affordable yet authentic organic products, she researched further, and was so excited by what she found, that she decided to start her own organic beauty store -- Kanga Organics was born.

Kanga Organics was created based on the philosophy of sharing the joy of using affordable organics for everyone, and Joey’s belief that this little effort of spreading the word of switching to organic products, however small it may be, is her way of giving thanks to Mother Earth.

Please feel free to bookmark our website or better yet our blog for your organic beauty updates!  Thank you very much.

Joey Lam (Ms.)
Managing Director
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