(no subject)

Aug 13, 2005 14:46

Actual First Name: Amy
Name you go by: Amy
Age you are: 24
Age you wish you were: 23
Age you never wanna be again: 24
Where do you live?: Lincoln
How long have you live there? 24 years, 10 months, 2 days
Do you like it there?: It’s a lovely old city. I like Lincoln.
If you could move anywhere you'd go?: London. Or Canada.
How many friends do you have? I don’t know! A fair few I believe.
Do you get along with your friends? Yes, pretty much all the time.
Would they do anything for you? I think a couple would, but most, no.
Do you have any best friends? I have a best friend and a few very special ones.
Would you trust your best friend with anything? I hope so.
Do you have a family? yes
What does your family include? Mum, Dad and my brother
Do you tell them things? Not much
Do you have any pets? 2 fish, Frank and Mani, and a hamster, Winston
Do you like video games? Not bothered really
Do you read? Yes… a lot
What type of books? Sci fi classics novels religious stuff factual stuff biographies horror romance fantasy kids adults… everything.
How often do you read? As often as possible
How much are you on the computer? Not so much lately, but generally more than is healthy
Are you sick of this survey? Kinda…
pepsi or coke? Pepsi
cat or dog? Dog
dragon or unicorn? Dragon
book or video game? Book
blue or black? BLACK
pink or green? pink
silver or orange? silver
icing or ice cream? ice cream
yahoo or aol? aol
mum or dad? I don’t thin ki can make that choice
writing or typing? typing
fingers or toes? fingers
food or games? Err food.
France or germany? France I think but I’ve never been to Germany
guy or dude? What chloe said: guy as referral, dude to address
stick people or sharks? That’s a tough decision!! I like sharks.
money or friends? friends
sun or rain? sun
lightning or thunder? Lightening
wind or snow? snow
tired or bored? bored
are you....
Tall or short? middling
fat or skinny? fat
blonde or brown? brown
blue eyed or green eyed? blue
brown eyed or hazel eyed? n/a
20/20 or glasses/contacts? Glasses sometimes
terrified or stable? terrified
boy or girl? girl
gay or straight? straight
bi or straight? ....straight
nosiey or satisfied? Satisfied I think


is it a him or her? him
Do you love them? i don't know… yes.. no… yes.. no
Do you hate them? sometimes

random things.......
Do you cook? when i'm have to
Are you good at it? Nope (but I can bake!)
Have you ever loved someone without knowing them? Yea I think so.
Do you hate the opposite sex? no

Have you ever.....
Drunk? yes
Done drugs? no
Gone to jail? no
hated yourself? yes
Hurt someone physically? Yes by accident
been hurt by someone? yes
smoked? no
yelled at someone and regretted it? yes
felt like dying? yes
met someone online and then inperson? Only most of my closest friends. *feels like a nerd*
skinny-dipped? no
cryed for more than an hour? yes
poked someone for the hell of it? Hahaha yes
been unconscious? yes
driven drunk? no
had a funeral for a pet? Yea..
biten someone? No nastily.
trusted someone and then regretted it? Hell yes more than once
asked the opposite sex out? No.. which surprised me once I thought about it.
felt like killing someone? no
yelled at your parents for a stupid reason? yes
been yelled at for a stupid reason? yes
gone for more than 5 days without a shower? yes
cried for no reason? yes
hated your friend but never said anything? yes
been in a hospital? yes
had surgery? no
broken something? Yes my leg, my nose more than once, fingers, toes….
lied? yes
cheated? yes
ignored someone? Yes but not very well and not for long cos I’m rubbish.
winked? yes
whistled? yes

(what kind of questions are these?)

screamed? yes
attacked someone? no
stalked someone? No.. no… no? I don’t think so. Other people think so.
been jealous of someone? Yes, all consumingly.
been afraid of the dark? yes
watched a scary movie? yes
scared someone? probably
had braces? no
had anything but your ears pierced? yes
cracked you knuckles/neck? no
stayed up all night? yes
been bitten by an animal? Yes..various.

1. initials: AR
2. name someone with the same birthday as you: Andrew Richards Alan Richards
3. where was your first kiss? On the park in Skellingthorpe
4. for or against same sex marriages? For
5. are you homophobic? No
6. are you bisexual? no
7. do you believe in God? Yes
8. how many US states have you been to? 1
9. how many of the US states have you lived in? 0
10. have you ever lived outside the US? Yes.. always. And still do.
11. name something you like physically about yourself: my eyes or my hands (excluding scar)
12. name something non physical you like about yourself: I’m very patient
13. where do you want to go to college? manchester.
14. what is your dream car? Morris minor or a beetle.
15. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Tibet or canada. Or cornwall. Or anywhere but newark.
16. have you ever had someone of the opposite sex over at your house while your parents were gone? Well… yea. is that bad?
17. how many concerts have you gone to? Bloody loads
18. do you download music? no
19. how many illegal things have you done? Not many..
20. where would you want to go on a first date? I dunno.. a quiet pub and countryside? A picnic?
21. describe your perfect date: on a beach. With a picnic.
22. has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? Yes.
23. ever been kissed under fireworks? No
24. have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time? No.
25. do you like president Bush? His face makes me want to slap him.
26. have you ever bungee jumped? No
27. have you ever white- water rafted? No
28. have you ever crashed a car? No
29. has anyone more than 10 years older than you hit on you? I don’t know.. don’t think so
30. have you met a real redneck? No.
31. are you interested in anyone right now? Yes but its all hopeless.
32. what song are you listening to right now? City Called Engkad by Whitehouse <3
33. what is your current favorite song? 23 by Jimmy Eat World
34. what was the last movie you watched? Stepford Wives with Crispin
35. who was the last person you said you loved? To the person themselves? Probably Kelly.
36. where was the last place you went besides your house? Work. Or Crispins house.
37. have you ever seriously vandalized someone elses property? No
38. have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? Yes
39. have you ever sang in front of a large number of people? no
40. whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Hair, shoes, eyes, smile.
41. what really turns you on? Humour and… skateboarders.
42. what do you usually order from starbucks? chocolate
43. what is your biggest mistake? I cant say really.
44. have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Yea
45. say something totally random about you: I have a female hamster called winston and a jesus snowglobe
46. do you have an i-pod? Yes
47. has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? no
48. do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yes I watched the clangers and bagpuss last night
49. do you have braces? No
50. are you comfortable with your height? Yeah
51. when do you know its love? When it starts to hurt I think…. I don’t know.
52. do you speak any other languages besides English? Not really gcse french and german: forgotten.
53. have you ever been to a tanning salon? No
54. what magazines do you read? Kerrang and metal hammer.
55. do you think these surveys are stupid? Yep, yet I carry on
56. do you have a hidden talent? Nope
57. have you gone farther than kissing? Yes
58. have you ever ridden in a limo? Yes
59. has anyone you were really close with passed away? Yes
60. do you watch mtv? Sometimes.. for viva la bam and jackass purposes mostly
61. whats something that really annoys you? People eating loudly. People acting unnecessarily mean.
62. whats something you really like? Chad ginsburg. My hamster. skateboarders
63. do you like michael Jackson? Don’t care either way
64. can you dance? Nope
65. have you ever surfed? I’ve tried!!
66. do you know how to pump gas? no
67. do you drive? no
68. whats the latest you have ever stayed up? All night
69. have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die? yes
70. were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? Yes
71. have you ever been dared to do something you didn't want to do? Probably yes
72. did you do it? Cant remember
73. do you actually read these when other people fill them out? Most of the time!
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