stupid LJ don't eat my post
Hello :3 Take here, bringing you all a plotbunny that I'd like a bit of help/pointers with. I have a habit of starting an epic fic, getting stuck/losing motivation at the halfway point and dumping the fic. I really like this idea that struck me a while ago, but I figure that if I get some help here, I might actually be able to finish an entire piece this time.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: A plethora, any combination of Zack, Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth with potential side pairings.
Rating: Currently undecided, PG-13 -> R
Purpose: Feedback/suggestions
Warnings: Violence, slash + straight pairings, nothing sexual
Possible spoilers: If any, Crisis Core spoilers (if you don't know about Aerith and Zack)
The following is an updated version of my plotbunny post from approximately a year ago.
The bunny is simply this:
It's basically a half-canon half-AU FFVII fic set in the KH universe, with drama, angst, action, romance, more angst, sarcastic humour, imploding rabbit holes, dirty jokes, more angst, confessions of love, confessions of hate, confessions of sugar obsession, unrequited feelings, compassion, determination, and whatever else the bunny comes up with.
Just what happened to the FF-crew's home world? The Darkness destroyed it, we know that. But we don't know what had happened that day the Darkness consumed their world. Survivors have been separated, and are reunited with lost loves.
We learn that JENOVA is the true master behind the Darkness. She manipulates those with broken minds and turns them under her control, and uses them to fuel her rage (example: Organization XIII). After her success in the destruction of Cloud's world, with the help of a mighty General, she is disappointed that she had not been entirely succesful with her plans; she had left survivors. This is simply Not Good, and Mother sets out to track down the remaining few who had lived through her last attack.
Cloud's living with Tifa (potential romance, but because I'm not all for the pairing it won't be detailed and she will most likely just be a caretaker). He is suffering from nightmares and general Cloud Angst involving crazy!Sephiroth and what have you, when he is (I have yet to figure out how) reunited with Zack, another survivor from the last JENOVA attack and his best friend since childhood. Happy to be with his friend again, Zack is determined to find out what's causing Cloud's nightmares. He becomes friends with Sora, super duper Keyblade hero extraordinnaire, who explains to him just what the deal with Light and Darkness is.
And *POOF* Sephiroth is in the picture. He is free from JENOVA's control, but not free from the memories of the destruction and horrors he had caused under her influence. Some main parts of the FFVII story will be incorporated into the characters backstories, with a few liberties taken.
Sephiroth finds out that JENOVA has found this world, and is looking for a new puppet to manipulate. And who else would she go after but our poor little broken Cloudy-poo. Zack finds Seph, is all "HAY WUZZUP" while Seph is all "Go away, I'm a monster" and such. Zack knew Seph was under Jenova's control when he went batshit, so he's very forgiving and just wants to be with his friend. Seph tries to convince Zack that he should be hating him, not trying to be his friend, and Zack will have none of it. After much poking and prodding from the younger SOLDIER, Seph informs Zack that JENOVA's trying to control Cloud, hence the nightmares, and they decide that uh, No She Will Not.
Cloud wants absolutely nothing to do with Seph, because he's the reason his life sucks. Seph wants to be Zack's friend, but as much as it hurts him, he knows there's no way Cloud will forgive him for what he's done, and he accepts that. Zack just wants his two favourite people in the world to get along, save Cloud from JENOVA, and be happy.
The catch: Zack has no idea that Sephy murdered his former girlfriend while under JENOVA's control.
The second catch: Zack is currently on borrowed time. The World Where Everybody's Hanging Out At The Moment has a Lifestream much like the Planet in FFVII, and it desperately does not want to lose the fight against the Darkness. Using the Lifestream, it brings back some of the lost heroes of the other Worlds in an attempt to fight back, but it can't keep them alive for long.
It certainly sounds epic :3; But, due to time constraints and such, I'd like to keep the total chapter count to 10-15 max. I'd really like to start this fic soon, but I'd like a few suggestions on the following: A) writing fight scenes, B) time management (how do you balance work, school, and writing?), and C) anything under the cut in brackets that you might have an idea for. Generic bunny feedback will help motivate me as well~
Thanks very much in advance, folks :3 Any concrit is very much appreciated <333