I had an existence, then Mcdonalds took it away!

Aug 22, 2006 13:06


Name/Nickname: Kurotoshi, but my name is Josée, I`m usually called everything from Jo to Mojo Jojo
Age: 18
Height: 5f6
Sign:Taurus the Bull, and Earth Dragon
Gender: Female

Likes/hobbies: Reading, drawing, roughhousing with my dog, working, running,  designing, sewing, dressing up, history, analysing things
Dislikes/pet peeves: idiots, people you just can`t depend on, being left behind,  ignorance, ungratefulness, unpoliteness,
Talents: drawing, dislocating my shoulders/other part of my body, making people smile, designing, sewing, making noise, being incredibly stubborn,
Strengths: stubborn, smart, dependable (if I like you), punctual, quick to learn, good at solving problems, analysing, passionate, able to follow my instincs
Weaknesses: tend to act before thinking, gets emotional, obsessive, having a really hard time letting go, VERY quick to loosing my temper, I get my hopes up too fast
Something unique about you/something few people know about you? I`m attracted to strenght, whether physical or character
If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Honnestly? as corny as it sounds, love I can count on.

Leader or follower? I do what I please, but I will take control if I feel like the situation needs it
Rely on impulse or cunning? a bit of both, because my impulses tend to be cunning!
High or low self-esteem? high, usually 
Submissive or dominant? dominant, but I don`t mind letting others control once in a while
Shy or outgoing? Outgoing, I love attention, but I can be hit with bouts of shyness
Who are you more attached to: family or friends? Hmm, that`s a tough one because I`ve been let down a lot by my friends, so I tend to be on guard, so I guess my familly,  but if I feel like I can trust you, definitly the friend
Speaker or listener? SPEAKER. Holy crap.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Realistic. I see all sides to a situation<

And just for the sake of asking... (this won’t - or shouldn’t affect your stamping outcome)
Favourite Organization member?Why? AXEL. Well, personally I have a thing for pyros, I`m a closet pyro, another thing is that he touched me. Someone willing to give his all for someone he cares about gets my high thumb up! And his determination is simply, wow!  I love Demyx too because , it`s Demyx!!
Favourite food? baguettes, I love my french bread! and meat, I love meat!
Favourite band/singer? uumm, wow, I don`t really have any, I concentrate a lot on the song more than anything, I`m not really picky, but I don`t like rap much at all

Have any pictures? If so, please post some! If not please describe your appearance. :)

if you can`t tell because I have the worst digicam in the world, my hair`s a bright wine red, my face is an oval shape, yet my chin sticks out a bit, my bottom lip is more full than my top one, their dark. My eyes are green, but they change to blue and gray. My hair is about shoulder lenght, longer up front than back, and STUFF.

Anything else?
 I can`t wait to see the results!

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