We shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream

Aug 19, 2006 21:58


Name/Nickname: Tai, or Tairako. And about a zillion others that I won't even go into here because they make no sense.
Age: Twenty-one "no I will not buy you alcohol, roomie."
Height: Five-sixish or so - various measurings have put me anywhere from five-four to five-seven, but five-six is the one that comes up most frequently.
Sign: "Goose Crossing." (Sagi sun, sagi moon, Capricon ascendent)
Gender: Female

Likes/hobbies: Junior Mints. Snyder's hard pretzels. Quaker chocolate rice cakes. Cats. Otters. Lots of color. Sewing. Painting. Cooking. Writing. Reading. Weapons. Learning weapons. Cinnamon bun incense. DVDs. Movies. Piano music. Devil duckies. Anime pins. Bucket hats. Lilith (my computer). Collapsible bookshelves. Lamps. Candles. Wind chimes. Asian cultures. Theatre. Fried rice. Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts. Lord of the Rings. Full Metal Alchemist. Battle Royale.
Dislikes/pet peeves: People who drive on cell phones. People who drive too slow in the left lane. Eating my food without recompensating me (I'm a broke college student, that really does hurt me). Angsty emo metal music. People who won't back up their arguments with reasoning. People who don't think for themselves. People who shirk at work. People who dont take responsibility seriously. Not getting paid enough for what I do. Nearly getting run off the road. TV. My printer. Being woken up by the telephone. Phones in general, for some reason. People who type in netspeak or refuse to spellcheck. My friends fighting. Fighting with my friends (except for joke purposes). Not understanding that "no means no." Cigarettes. Alcohol. Snakes. Heights. (Guess what movie I am never, ever, EVER seeing.)
Talents: Talents? Hell, I don't know. Umm... theatre? It's my major and one of my passions. Not acting; god, I am one of the worst actors in the world. The backstage stuff is for me. I'm good at building and painting sets in the masonic style, and I plan on making my living as a costume designer/constructor. I can get my stepmother's sewing machine (that's twice as old as I am) to work, so that has to be some sort of talent. I can get animals to trust me easily; they just seem to love me for some reason. And I can listen to the same song hundreds of times in a row and not get sick of it.
Strengths: I'm a good listener and I care about my friends, and I try to help them or just be there for them when they're going through tough times. I love kids and doing things with kids, and they seem to like me back. I like to give people cookies because cookies rock. I'm smart, but I like to think I have common sense as well. I'm a good driver from an area that's infamous for its bad drivers (though I still contend the drivers native to my college's area are so. much. worse). I love animals and can't stand seeing one abused.
Weaknesses: Sometimes I'm not as assertive as I need to be in dealing with my friends, or with people I'm struggling to get along with but want to be friends with. I can't stand the thought of my friends yelling at me or being upset with me, so sometimes I fail to bring up issues until they've gotten too big to control. I also have problems with saying things in a comprehensible matter - for some reason it's easy for me when I type, but when I speak, if I'm trying to do something like tell a story, things always end up getting confused. When I explode, I explode, and I yell and curse with the best of them. Crowds also bother me and I'm a severe acrophobe, so you never want to go on a plane with me. Plus I'm very, very accident-prone in the weirdest way.
Something unique about you/something few people know about you? I am perpetually chilly, even in summer. Or I once burned myself pretty badly with a Ziploc bag. Yeah, I went through the "don't play with matches" phase really late - I decided to have fun melting things over open candles. Not that smart. Also, my eyesight is horrible, but my hearing is fantastic - except, for some reason, around running water. I have no idea why.
If you had one wish, what would you wish for? Everyone always has at least one wish. Everyone I know has many, many wishes. If I could have one wish come true that actually had a chance of coming true, it would be to get a job with a theatre up in Chicago so I could move to my favorite city and be near most of my favorite people on earth. A wish coming true that has absolutely no chance of coming true... not going there.

Leader or follower? Neither. I make-and-take my own path - with my friends. Most of the "leaders" I know are, frankly, morons. My friends and I are all independent, and if we take the same path, that's really cool, but none of us is leading the others (though if this was a hike or something I probably would have to lead because most of my friends also can't read maps worth shit XD)
Rely on impulse or cunning? It depends. I'm a Sagi - we do a scary lot of stuff on impulse. But sometimes it is a lot better to plan things out.
High or low self-esteem? For the most part, high. There's stuff about me I can improve on, but I'm working on it. I don't hate myself in any way, shape, or form.
Submissive or dominant? Neither? XD I'm goin' independent for a lot of these... but I really am.
Shy or outgoing? Umm... "laid back." I don't run around shouting my head off, but frequently in RL situations I'm the first to step forward and welcome someone to work or speak in front of a crowd. Mostly a "No one else? Okay, I'll go" type thing.
Who are you more attached to: family or friends? Friends, easily. "Friends are the family you make yourself," after all - plus I can't stand fully half of my relatives because of close-mindedness and their very, very limited viewpoints (ie "EVERYONE WHO AIN'T SOUTHERN BAPTIST IS EVIL AND GONNA BURN IN HELL!" And they wonder why I don't visit often).
Speaker or listener? Once again, it depends. Some situations require speaking out, and some require listening.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. Things'll work out, somehow. It may take longer than I want it to (ask me about apartment-hunting some time...), it may be annoying as hell, but eventually everything'll reach a good point.

And just for the sake of asking... (this won’t - or shouldn’t affect your stamping outcome)
Favourite Organization member?Why? I'm a Luxord fan, and not just because the man is highly sexy. But I'm a fan of the characters that show more life - ie Cid Highwind is my favorite VG character of all time, followed fairly closely by Sora. And Luxord definitely has his own wonderful brand of smooth-talking snark. Plus, his voice is sexy as hell and he attacks with cards. I wanted to kill him just for that XD Axel comes in a close second, for his wonderful backstabbing self-interest, and Larxene a close third because of her high-class bitchery.
Favourite food? Hibachi-style fried rice, or nice firm green grapes.
Favourite band/singer? Sister Hazel. And Tom Petty note to self: pick up new CD tomorrow. And Fastball. There's a ton of others, but that's my main set.

Have any pictures? If so, please post some! If not please describe your appearance. :)
Pictures, blech! I dun like pictures. So you get a written description! I'm a little taller than average for a girl, though since so many people wear heels that are a foot tall you generally can't tell. I have a ton of fluffy hair that's naturally medium brown and I dye dark-ish red; it still looks natural on me, which I want. Blue-gray eyes and black glasses with rounded rectangular lenses, skin that tans far more than it burns, and a "full-bodied" figure. Usually I wear black pants, 'cause everything goes with them, and either a comfortable t-shirt or sweater, or peasant skirts with slightly fancier tops.

Anything else? My kitty is trying to possess the keyboard.

In all seriousness, can someone please point me to some good screencaps of in-game/end-of-game of KH2? Please? I've got caps of all of Roxas's bits and Sora-at-HB the first time, but I coming up nada on anything else.

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