
Mar 17, 2004 17:18

My name is Justin Taylor; people on livejournal know me as pianojet. I am an Orff-Schulwerk specialized music educator at The Young School, a private school in Columbia, Maryland. I personally have had an LJ account for many months now, but was taken aback when I tried to find Orff-interested users or communities and found very little! I think this is an appropriate opportunity to develop an exclusive Orff-Schulwerk community.

This community is meant for 2 things:

  • to extend Orff-Schulwerk awareness
  • to allow a medium through which music educators can discuss Orff related topics.

There is indeed a great Orff-Schulwerk website complete with member sign-up and forums, however you have to be a member in order to post on the forums and membership costs money. This community is a chance for free discussion and advice. :-D

For those of you who are not familiar with the term Orff Schulwerk, let me give you a quick, simple start:

Orff-Schulwerk was developed in the early-mid 1900's by a german composer named Carl Orff. For Carl Orff, basic music knowledge was something that was natural, and could be expressed by letting people be themselves. Useful in elementary grades (k-5), music was a subject worth DOING and not studying. Children must DO music in order to learn music. Thus, there are 4 basic types of music "DOING:" singing, speaking/chanting, playing instruments, and movement. Consequently, any child engaged in an Orff activity via singing, playing instruments, chanting, or moving will inherantly discover and learn valuable musical knowledge.

Orff-Schulwerk fosters the most rich, creative process. A fantastic setting for Orff-Schulwerk is in storytelling. Utilizing interpretive movement/dance, song and instruments, anyone engaged will experience a true musical practice, revealing what music was meant to be. For more information, don't hesitate to visit the website linked above.

"Tell me, I forget... show me, I remember... involve me, I understand." -Carl Orff
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