Eh, finally.

Nov 20, 2009 17:16

Start of Thanksgiving break. Will be going on a drawing binge the entire week. I've got a Gaia commish long due, three Hetalia exchanges, and the Christmas cards. XD Need to get those outta the way before I end up cramming and going crazy.

While not drawing with my precious tablet and Paint tool Sai, I amuse myself with things like these:

Because I was terrible bored in Algebra 2, and ended up drawing Ameri--- Canada like that on an index card. I-I was paying attention to the lesson, really! OTL

Yeah, but now dear Mattie's stuck on my white board like that.

And of course, to motivate me on Chemistry studying whatever subject, I drew Arthur on my board. I should have drawn Germany, but I have failed on him again and again, h-hahahahaha...

Everyone seems to be having a crappy month or something, and sorry for not commenting on posts lately. OTL So, uh.


canada, hetalia, england, life

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