Title: Don't Hurt Yourself...
Characters: Rome, Prussia
Rating: G
Summary: Rome meets a little Prussia
Note: I filled out one of those "pick 12 characters" memes and my only really interesting response was to "write a drabble with this and that character," so here's the result!
It wasn't the first time Rome had spotted one of Germania's boys swinging a sword inexpertly over his head all alone in the woods. Frankly, he thought, if this was allowed to continue, someone was going to end up hurt.
"Hey, kid," he called, making himself known. The boy jumped and almost lost a hold of the weapon. Rome winced - if the blade had fallen, it would have come into very painful contact with the child's foot.
"W-What do you want?" the boy demanded, assuming a belligerent stance and raising the sword with a trembling hand. Rome frowned.
"It's cute that you want to improve your swordsmanship--"
"I'm not cute!"
"--but it's not something you can do alone. Ask your father for lessons, alright. Don't want you hurt."
The boy growled.
"I-I won't hurt myself! I know what I'm doing!"
Rome took two steps forward and knocked the sword out of his hand with no resistance. The boy squeaked at the unexpected assault and Rome couldn't help but grin and bend down to ruffle his hair.
"Sure ya do, kid. Ask Germania to teach you properly."
The boy balled his little hands into fists. "M-Maybe if he'd actually teach me, I would!" he exploded. "But he's always busy! He never has time for me, and I'm always left alone! But, but! I'm too happy alone, alright! It's not important!" With each word, the boy seemed to break down further until he had dissolved completely into tears. He lunged past Rome to retake his sword, but Rome caught him around the middle and swooped him up into a bone-crushing hug.
"Well, then!" he cheered. "It's a good thing I've been, uh... trying to give my grandsons some lessons in swordsmanship! And I'm drafting you, soldier!"
He grinned, setting the boy down, silently cursing Germania for neglecting his sons. But he had to admit, this boy had talent. Much more than his own grandsons who were, although adorable, an embarrassment to watch.
The boy, meanwhile, was gaping at him in disbelief. "...What...?"
"Tomorrow, sun-up, boy!" Rome barked. "We start lessons at dawn!" Even though he could never get Romano and Veneziano out of bed before noon. "And your name, boy, for the record!"
"Oh!" the boy quickly snapped to attention, the excitement almost overwhelming him. "I-I'll be there, um, sir! And it's Preußen, sir!"
'So cute.'
"Ah, Preußen! I am the Imperium Romanum, greatest Empire seen on this earth, and I will be teaching you the art of swordplay." He withheld a smile, as little Prussia's eyes went wide. "Tomorrow, at dawn. I will be expecting you. Don't be late."