Nov 04, 2004 01:34
Today America lost
Today Democracy failed
Today America signed away the fates of thousands of our troops
Today America elected a leader who rules by Faith, not by reason.
Today the voices of millions went unheard.
Today Americans saw what happens when scare tactics work.
Today America picked illiteracy of intellect
Today America sided with the "moral" leader, who supports the ban on single parents and gay adults from teaching in public schools, because they lead "immoral lives" unfit for display in front of children.
Today America voted to shed the blood of more of their brothers, sisters, fathers, and sons.
Today America cheated its children.
Today America lost all respect as a world power.
Today America against the safe keep of our environment
Today America signed over their rights to a leader who would have it as it was in Orwell's 1984
Today America's youth was robbed of fair education
Today a mindless crusade was supported by millions
Today America furthered the national debt
Today America was scared into another 4 years of fear
Today America let itself down
Today America lost
Never before have I been so disappointed in my country, never before have I ever felt so helpless. After all that was said and done, the man I put all my hopes for bettering the country is sent away. The citizens of America were handed the country's fate on a silver platter, handed them the country's well being for the next four years, they're were shown the best man to pass it on too, and yet they toss it blindly to a fool. We are in for a long ride, and all because America wanted to take it. All that is to happen, all that is to go wrong, is all that America wanted.
I cast my vote, I proudly marked my ballot, I was making a difference.
Now I sit and watch as the man I've so avidly spoken against take his place at the head of our nation, I can't help but wonder.....
What difference did I really make?
I've been disappointed before. I have not agreed with many of the things that have happened in my country, I have been shocked and appalled by policies carried out by our Senators and Representatives, but never before....NEVER have I been so disappointed in my fellow American Citizens......
I want Kerry to run next election...and I will go and sign up for his campaign....I will not let such an atrocity occur in my homeland no. I choose not to go to Canada, cause I think things can be made right, here at home. But it can't be done with a man like Bush in office.
Never had I been ashamed to call myself an American......
Yet I feel ashamed of my fellow americans.
Today America lost.