Sep 30, 2005 21:51
~thinks still are down. dont know why. even when i try to do nice things to improve my kharma it doesnt work (as in i mowed the lawn last night and taped the OC so i could watch it later and get the lawn mowed for my roommates but the tape didnt work right)
~my hours at the bowling alley this week are switched, so i wont work there as much. a little break is cool.
~tim (ambers boyfriend) is up from uOFm
~ive got my old phone working until my new phone comes in (hopefully before thursday)
~we went to olive garden
~we tried to scam them on the all you can eat deal. we lost, i feel sick....
~i have tons of homework.
~im not sleeping well
~ going home on the sixth!!!
~september is finally over...CHA-CHING!
~house is looking good
~doesnt look like we'll get to go to canada for my birthday
~doesnt look likr we'll get to go to canada for halloween.
yeah, thats about it..