So. Long time. No write.
Band. Undefeated. 7 times over. 2 competitions this weekend. I hope we win. Championships the weekend after that. I'm scared.
Boys. Arg. They're cute. But..they're....STUPID. Not all. But most of you are.
They're fun to flirt with too.
I miss the days where we used to be kids.
Sitting around watching t.v.
Doug Funnie and the Pickles
Scooby Doo and Madeleine
The days where hula-hooping and jump roping were your biggest problems
Responsibilty became a part of our lives
And now it's always your fault
Fights and homework
Saying no to drugs
Problems we face everyday
We haven't even considered the boys or gals yet
Cute boys who don't like you
Ugly boys who do
Looking beyond the outside and into the personality of a person
Not a chance we'll ever be free again
The weight of resposiblility crushed our wings
Until we can't fly at all
Problems we must face
Answers we must seek
To questions left unsolved
I wish I could rewind to the lazy days again.