[Fanfiction] "And To Make Matters Worse, The Whole Place Smelled of Chanel No. 5"

Apr 12, 2012 10:29

"And To Make Matters Worse, The Whole Place Smelled of Chanel No. 5"
Characters: Brazil/fem!Argentina (Luciano/Martina)
Rating: PG Prompt: ...Meli asked for BrArg and I can't refuse Meli's requests because I labbu her. u _ u

He wondered when the change occurred. It had gone from casual flirting when they met up in their groups of mutual friends to the occasional drink at that nice bar 3 blocks away from Luciano’s apartment. Somewhere along the way, they decided they liked-not liked, tolerated each other enough to meet in the daylight hours for coffee at the ritzy little café near her job. Eventually that too evolved and turned meeting for actual meals at restaurants and hidden holes in the wall until that changed into going to her apartment just to see her in an apron as she cooked one of her mother’s “completely authentic Italian, boludo, just wait and see” recipes.

Invariably, something always went wrong and she would sulk over the imperfection of the food while Luciano teased her and ate it anyway, pausing only once to wipe away a smear of tomato sauce from her cheek with his thumb, licking the digit clean while she stared at him with wide green eyes. Even that changed and “dinner at your place?” became “dinner at you place followed by tumbling into bed”. And nowadays Luciano looks around at what was supposed to be his sanctuary and shrine to his masculinity, unobtrusively touched with feminine influence that only seems jarring when he really looks; expensive hygiene products in the bathroom, hand soap sitting next to the dish soap by the kitchen sink because she’d stared at him in horror when he had washed his hands without it. His clothes didn’t look like he’d picked them up off the floor every morning now (except when they did because he had but so had she), there were bras hanging on the doorknob of his bedroom closet, and she jingled much more when she left now because of the new addition to her keyring.

Today Luciano stared down at the freshly laundered socks in his lap, pairing them off and trying not to smile like an idiot because each of them had a mate.

brarg, ficlets, latin hetalia, oneshot, brazil, argentina, prompts, au, fanfiction

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