Apr 06, 2005 15:00
well, this week has started off much better than last week. i got 2 see "my woman" and things between us are much better now than last week. we went through a little bit of diSagreement, but like she says "there are the ups and downs in every relationship" and i definitely agree specially because of my previous relationship. i would be a lil scared if everything went perfect 4 to long cause last time i had a relationship that i thought was perfect ended up being as far from perfect as possible, are very first disagreement in months and we broke up.
Now i know that montana and I have a relationship strong enough 2 last through the rough times. which is very important because there are a few things in our relationship that make it more difficult than most high school relationships.i have grown 2 actually appreciate the differences such as not going 2 the same school, that gives us that much more 2 talk about and a different perspective on high school situations, also the distance between homes makes it mean so much more just 2 actually see her. We dont always have 2 do something special 2 have fun cause its special just 2 see each other. Also the whole parental situation. I cant lie 2 her parents and montana knows that, so when we do make things "official" ill feel a lot more respectable knowing that i didnt have 2 lie in any part of our relationship and i wont feel bad that her parents can fully trust everything i say.
So the mood of this update is a lot better than the last and it has actually put me in a better mood just wright all this. thats it for now.