50 Facts meme, tagged by engraved-16

Mar 06, 2010 18:09

I would actually talk the way I write, but don't really, because people get BORED.
I like warm, squishy corners.
I can walk faster than you.
I like ♥s.
I enjoy Capitalizing more than I should.
I hate it when I think I'm talking to much.
I am TERRIFIED of failure, poverty, reaching the acceptable weight range, never falling in love, being abandoned and loose strands of hair lying around.
I like going to museums just for the heck of it.
I eat too much.
I'm a Lancome Juicy Tubes junkie.
I read too many fashion magazines.
I like it when people talk about Hair Products, Shopping, Opera, Dreams, Aspirations, Clothes, Music, Books, Philosophical concepts, and the complexities of finding the perfect eyeliner.
I hate the telly they have here in the UK, how do these people actually survive.
I have the road crossing ability of roadkill. Seriously. Don't cross roads with me. My mates have all learnt to hold my hand while doing it.
I can't work a fax machine and therefore have never used one all my life.
I just found out that I am secretly addicted to green coloured food; seaweed and kiwi fruits and wasabi in particular.
I dont actually know the difference between verbs and nouns and adjectives and pronouns etc and have long since stopped trying to know.
I can only say out the Alphabet in song format.
Recently I've been really into tumblr, as I get inspired constantly by the pretty pictures and quotes floating around, & it makes me temporarily happy.
I automatically block out images of ugly people, its so rude and unreal but what the hey, be glad you're not ugly.
I am so fat and fucking overweight, my metabolism has decided to double-cross me so I am going to offer myself up to Tyler Durden and let him turn me into a soap product.
I am a humongous Starbucks fan, with Coffee Bean as a close second, fuck the fact that they're supposed to be evil, corporate conglomerates.
I need sun & warmth to come soon, I am more than ready to break out those summer clothes.
I used to fight a lot, and once got into a physical brawl with someone twice my size, oh the bravery.
I overdrew from my bank account and got sent a warning letter heh.
I once pretended to be sad after a breakup (which really didn't cause as much unhappiness as compared to a breakout).
Someone once told me that my singing touched their soul. Really.
I've eaten more whacked-up shit than you've ever even heard of because I'm Asian.
I am a fan of yaoi (boyxboy), but only if it's fandom related.
I curse family members. Not like regularly, but yeah, I do.
I used to have a weird habit of attaching Japanese honorifics to inanimate objects. (Eg. mobile-kun, table-san)
I speak like, 6 or 7 languages. Which amazes people, but really its not as cool as it sounds.
I might be enjoying life in England now, but I always get the feeling I'll be moving back to an Asian country in the future.
I like the feeling of deja vu, which is good because I get random deja vu all the time.
I don't know what number of the list I'm on now.
I am extremely spazzy; I even need someone to remember my timetable for me (thanks Adel & Becks!).
Ben & Jerry's is my best friend, well that might change after I try Baskin Robbins.
I used to stash a lot of icons. A lot. Nowadays it's pretty pictures.
I am the queen of digression.
I was born in the Year of the Snake.
I like doodling on anything I can get my hands on, i.e. scraps of paper, hands, arms, the table-top, worksheets, your notepad etc.
I have a whole folder in My Documents dedicated to unfinished memes that people tag or send to you for no reason.
I used to stalk one particular friend's blog. Nobody knows which one. (Now I'm scaring you arent I?)
I am currently having really bad cravings for Mrs Fields cookies and Orange Julius originals.
I am a banana. Those who know what I mean, good on you.
I always say that I can't do Math for nucking futs, but ever since last year when I resat the GCSE & got full marks, I think I might be proving myself wrong.
I keep wanting to blog about things but I always end up putting it off and then more things happen and I forget what I wanted to blather on about in the first place or I lose interest and blahblah.
I have been hating Thursdays for as long as I can remember but I dont really know why. Fridays this year also suck due to my timetable.
Most of my memory is used to remember useless shit like song lyrics and random quotes and trivia and details of my toddler life back in HK.
I am a massive mess of contradictions.

I'm supposed to choose 25 people to be tagged, but nah I hate being forced to do stuff so I won't do it to anyone either. Whoever wants to do this can snag it :)


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