Oct 09, 2008 19:38
I'm back!!! well, at least for today. hehehe...
I just recently watched Detroit Metal City (DMC) thanks to my brother who recommended it. Funny sh*t, I tell you. Hahaha! Animation's not that "woah!" but story's weird and crazy. hehehe.... Full of profanity and weird characters. And there's a live action already! the main character's being played by the guy who portrayed L in the Death Note movies. So it would be interesting to see since the main character Krauser aka I-forgot-his-real-name is lame in real life but when he's playing in his band, becomes an entirely different person. And that's why this is funny. (^_^)
I've only seen 6 episodes though. And looking forward to more.
So there. That's it. Hehe..
Hi to my friends here! Hehehe...