(no subject)

Jan 30, 2016 12:42

Hey all.

So I went back to the doctor a few days ago...

Turns out I do actually have a special type of eczema, called Dyshidrotic Eczema. (I'm way too cool to get the normal variety, right?)

For the record, I really dislike doctors. I strongly feel like all they care about is giving you drugs and moving on to the next patient, not finding out the "why" of what's going on. That being said, I was told that this particular problem has no cure, and the actual cause is unknown. Google searches seem to confirm that. -_-

The best theories are that it's caused from possibly: seasonal allergies such as hayfever, large amounts of stress, submerging your skin in water too often, or being exposed to lots of metal. ...Except for the metal, this is pretty much all reasonable causes to me, because the last few months were extremely stressful, and I wash my hands a million times a day at work.

The problem is that my skin on my hands can't heal on their own right now, so I was stuck in a viscous cycle of breaking out with new blisters before the last set could go away and repair itself. So I'm essentially told that they'll only do more allergy testing if I continue to not get better. >< For now, I got even MORE prescription creams, and two oral steroids I have to take for a week. O.o I wasn't too thrilled with "Here's some steroids, now go away so I can see the next person." But I was also told if it doesn't get better I could try light therapy, which sounds much more pleasant.

All that being said... it is finally getting better! The side effects have been kind of weird for me, but none of the dangerous ones. (Can't sleep, dizziness, increased appetite). But I only have to take them for a few more days. The itching is not gone, but much improved. And James suggested I get a paraffin wax machine, because my skin was so incredibly dry by this point - and holy crap I tried it last night and it's amazing!

So... hopefully soon I'll have more free time when my hands aren't covered in oily things. I'm still trying to make peace with myself that I might have to deal with this on and off for the rest of my life.

...still not having much luck looking for a new job, either, but I won't give up.

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