Spoilers for Doctor Who Season finale...
More later... when I'm more coherent...
**EDIT 9.37 PM***
- Blink: Scared the crap out of me, to be honest. Like, seriously. There was screaming. Catch me looking at a statue - rather, looking away from a statue ever again. Good god. -___- I guess it was this season's equivalent to Series 2's Love and Monsters since it wasn't about the Doctor and Rose that other chick Martha, but seriously it doesn't even compare. Love and Monsters was rubbish. This was awesome good. And like I said - FREAKING SCARY. Margaret and I were like "AAAAAAHHHHH. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. HOLY !!#*(&%. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH." and so on. So yes, I liked it a lot. Though I don't see myself watching it alone/in the dark anytime soon. =P
- Utopia: JAAAAAAAAAACK!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ Even though I've been watching Torchwood (or at least I was, until tv-links went nuts) it was loverly to see him again. The "futurekind" were creepy. Like Mog said - reminded me of the Reavers of Firefly fame. I really like Chan-Tho - she was pretty, and sweet. Loved the bit when Martha was trying to talk her into speaking "rudely" and how giddy she was. Adorable. So of course she had to die. *makes face* The watch thing was preeeeeeetty scary. Esp since I'd been spoilered for what was going to happen (thank you, Professor Appleby...>.>) so I was like "NO, NO, NO, MARTHA, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, GO GET THE DOCTOR NOW YOU STOOPID!" Nnngah. Scariness. The Master's regeneration was pretty awesome though. Preeeeetty, too. Shiny lights and everything. Less - inferno-y - than the Doctor's back when. It was good, anyway, for the most part.
It really bugged me, though, how mean the Doctor was to Jack. How he didn't seem to care at all about all the crap Jack had had to go through. I was wishing for more of that camaraderie that they'd had, when the Doctor wasn't so incredibly hot with Nine. Maybe it's just 'cause I've been reading OT3 fics recently [Nine/Jack/Rose], but I was a little disappointed at how cold their reunion seemed. Though Jack has had a hundred-something years to stew... still. And I HATED that the Doctor just admitted to leaving him behind!!! WHAT?! I thought he didn't know, that he'd forgotten. I hated the admission that he didn't want to 'deal' with him. Rrrrrgh. That is not a good Doctor-y thing to do. *gripes* (Did love the mentions of Rose, though, and how worried Jack must have been after Canary Wharf, and how he went to see her when she was little. Sigh. I miss her so much. *sniffle*)
- The Sound of Drums: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. OMG. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. <-- Pretty much the only thing I can say about this ep. Aside from maybe WOW. John Simms is CRAZY! DAYUM! Awesomesauce actor, though. But CRAZY. Nnnnnnnnnnngh. I liked how Jack and Martha and the Doctor were like guerrilla fighters or fugitives or whatnot. The bit when the Doctor was explaining the keys to Martha, when he said "it's like the person you fancy not knowing you exist" or something like that, made me go "awww." And "awwww" even more when Jack gave her that sad/knowing look and went "you too?" *♥s Jack*
And then at the big climactic point - I was all, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN'T!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Man oh man. And SONIC beats out LASER every time, you smug crazy bastard. RARGH. It was dreadful though, it really was. Though I totally thought Jack meant that both he and Martha should teleport out - I could've sworn that's what he meant. I can't believe she left him behind like that, anyway; she must have known what would happen to him. T___T Absolutely horrifying, though. On we run into the finale...
- The Last of the Time Lords: Yes, there were a million things wrong with this episode, as I have come to realise over the past few hours, but STILL. It was PRETTY DAMN GOOD. I loved Martha's journeying. The orb-thingies and what they really were was terrifying and absolutely awful. No wonder the Master said it would "break the Doctor's hearts". =(
The Master Gollum-ifying the Doctor earned more screamage. Awful, really: he went from HAWT --> Oven-baked Bilbo (ala RotK) --> Gollum. Yeesh. *cringe* I hated what the Master did to him - which was the point, of course. Rrrrgh crazy sonofabitch. Felt pretty awful for the Joneses. And JACK. OH JACK. T________T Nothing more to say than that at this point in the pointless recap. Hee hee I liked the beginnings of a new infatuation for Martha. Good for her. The guy was pretty cute, too. Moving on... poor, cannibalised TARDIS. =( =( =( Glad Jack got to set her free, finally.
Thoughts on the climactic scene... Loved Martha after her capture. She kicks ass, really. Thought floating!Doctor was a bit silly, though... that was unnecessary. The floating, I mean. The glowy stuff was okay. But the floating was silly. Didn't like how undone the Master was by it, though; I think he should've been more villainous and yelly and crazy. Thought it was weird when Lucy shot him - and I totally did not know Time Lords could refuse to regenerate! wow! - the act of her shooting him, I mean. Crazyass. >< The Doctor's reaction, though, was heaaaartbreaaaaaakiiiing. Doooooooctoooooor how many times can you break my heart?? I only have the one. T__T Dreadful to see how desperately lonely he is, that he'd be willing to keep his greatest enemy/a freakin' PSYCOPATH with him forever just to have someone. Horrid. Beautifully played. But horrid to even think about how alone he always is. Waahhh.
Jack's leaving disappointed me, a little. Of course I'm not biased. Again, I wished for more emotion on both his and the Doctor's parts. A hug, at least. Sigh. I wonder what he'll tell his team back at Torchwood, about where he went. guess we'll find out next season. AND JACK AS THE FACE OF BOE?! NO FREAKING WAY. NO. FREAKING. WAY. Like, I refuse. Maybe Jack made him, or something, and named it that as a little nod to his childhood, or something. BECAUSE THAT IS JUST NOT ON, MATE. On the whole, though, it was a pretty good finale... though nothing will beat Doomsday, ever. I am glad Martha left though again I ache for the poor Doctor. Alone again. It was good that she did, though. Good for her. Like she said - "This is me, getting out." Kind of... struck a chord. =\
So there's Series Three! All caught up now, finally. And apparently the Runaway Bitch will be back for Series 4. That should be... interesting. ROSE PLEASE COME BACK LOOK AT WHAT SORT OF COMPANIONS YOUR DOCTOR HAS BEEN REDUCED TO. *deep breath* Sorry. -__-; This season seemed to go by so quickly... probably because I watched it in, like, 4-episode chunks. *grin* I'll rewatch the lot eventually and analyse properly and all that. Wonder what the next season holds... we'll see in a year!
Gwah, I feel all angsty now. It's this music, I swear; I downloaded all the REALLY SAD songs from the official soundtrack. Beautiful, though. Anyway, looks like it's time to attempt to write... something. Maybe my 1920s story, maybe some HP fic... speaking of which... DEATHLY HALLOWS TOMORROW!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *GLEE* Should be pretty awesome. I'll try to read it slowly this time... so I'll actually remember... >.> =P
Ciao, all!