Soooooooooooo I got to see Joshua Bell at the Hollywood Bowl tonight. Aside from being ridiculously hot and otherwise uncomfortable bc of a distinct lack of back support (ohhhh my spine) IT WAS SO AMAZING WAH. That Strad, that beautiful Strad - it's like listening to liquid gold, if it were sound - and the way he moves, and those hands - nnnnguh. So. Freaking. Amazing.
I should really write more of my novel. Mr Bell is so terribly...inspiring (*cough*cough*)...and yet I have no time. This must be remedied, bc my James is yelling at me in my head. Cheeky little bugger.
Anyway, it's v late, but I'm still all amped up from that amazing concert (even if the Mahler symphony went on for far too long there at the end); so here are the 3 days I've missed of the music meme, behind a cut for your convenience.
Day 08: A song you know all the words to
Uh... I know the words to a lot of songs. I make it a point to learn the words to songs I sing to bc I hate sounding stupid. Going "LA LA LA LA...uh... fabfav... LA LA LA LA" is dumb. And the lalas, of course, equal actual words.
So I'm going to ignore this one, because I don't feel like picking a random song. Moving on.
Day 09: A song that you can dance to
I love that this meme is letting me choose from all my various playlists. So, from "Dance," we have...
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Current favorite for dancing purposes. Whee!
Day 10: A song that makes you fall asleep
And now, for something completely different... I also have a playlist of sleepy music for when I'm studying/writing/otherwise engaged, and it is also of course helpful for those oh-so-wonderful periods of insomnia. So here's one that I constantly turn to, which I think is absolutely gorgeous. The fact that it's by my beloved Mr Bell is a bonus. ;-)
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That's all for tonight, folks!