So. Home at last, after two weeks in Poland, followed by a stupid-long time getting back home. Woke up Sunday morning Poland time and didn't go to bed until Monday night US time - so that's some 39 hours plus the 9 that's the time difference. Which makes that 48 hours, doesn't it? Christ. Anyway. Watched the last Doctor Who ep this morning, and cried myself silly. So, some thoughts:
First off - oh god, David Tennant. I'm going to miss you to a degree that is truly stupid. You are magnificent, and brilliant, and fantastic, and a long skinny strip of wonderful. Ten will always be my Doctor.
Anyway, onward.
Though I liked EOT ptI for the most part, for about 80% of the episode I was definitely going "What. The. Eff." I hoped ptII would redeem it, and boy howdy did it ever. The crack went away completely - though "WORST. RESCUE. EVER" cracked me up (for the first and last time during the whole ep *wibbles*) - and was replaced by the drama and angst I was expecting. The Doctor/Master interaction was brilliant (and kinda hot, even though I so don't go there normally); I loved Wilf, and sniffled my way through the scene in the space ship. The Time Lords were appropriately nuts, and I'm glad they got sent back in time where they belonged. That whole scene was awesome, though there definitely came a point when I was like "JUST SHOOT SOMEONE FOR CHRISSAKES." Loved the Doctor and Master's "get out of the way"s, esp that the Master kinda sorta redeemed himself there. Awesome. Awesome awesome.
Now for the angst - oh goooood. Started a bit with Donna at the beginning (and how frustrating is it that she didn't get her mind back? grrrr), then there was the spaceship scene of course. Gah. There were also a lot of tears when the Doctor fell through the skylight and landed flat on the floor, all covered in glass and blood. *weeps* Wilf knocking made me go "OH. SHIT. NO." and then, well, there it went. Bawling when the Doctor absorbed the radiation and through the end of that scene. Stopped a bit at the first few goodbyes (also, Mickey and Martha? What?) - and then there was Rose (and Jackie! hooray!), and from then on there sobbing until the end. *points to icon* Like that. Really, really wish he'd told her he loved her, just murmured it as she walked away. Really wish he had. Sobbed as he stumbled his way across the square, esp when Ood Sigma showed up and said the universe would sing for him. Bah, getting teary writing about it. And then, of course, the regeneration. I also really wish he hadn't said "I don't want to go" just before he died - really thought he'd gotten a bit of peace, saying goodbye to everyone he loved. Just made it all the more brutal and heartbreaking. As for Eleven? Doesn't seem too awful right now, but we'll see. I always hate that switch from angst and tears to MANIC ENERGY. Killed me in Doomsday and killed me here. So right now I'm reserving judgment until I can think about this episode without wanting to cry. In general, I thought it was a fantastic episode, for all the heartbreak it brought; as depressing as it was, I thought it was a good way to go. Saving someone he loved (oh, Wilf). And at least he had the time to say goodbye to everyone. And now I think I should stop before I start bawling again.
Goodbye, Ten. There's no one else like you in all the universe. You'll always be my Doctor.