Jan 08, 2011 22:05
just finished reading "Death Troopers". It was a zombie horror book set in the Star Wars universe. Normally, I don't write book reveiws, but I had to comment on this one. I have to start with, the book WAS pretty well written, a lot of good elements of horror was in it... overall, it was vary enjoyable. My main issue with the book: Han Solo and Chewbacca just did not need to be in it. In fact, they even READ like they were a last minute addition. Don't get me wrong, they didn't read like the writer just renamed two of his own characters to get Han & Chewy into the book- their personalities were right and all.
Without giving too much away, H&C didn't even show up until mid-book, you know, after the characters and monsters were established. Most of the scene they were in were (imho) either completely unnecesary or could've been done by one of the REAL main characters. It felt like he had an outline for the book; the star wars people said: Good story, now put han solo in it.