Being accountable...or something? ;-)

Jan 26, 2007 09:42

This morning I stepped on the scale to see if I've made any progress since re-starting my diet.  Here's the results:

Since January 8, 2007:

Weight:  -5.8 lbs
Waist:    -3 inches
Chest:   -0.5 inches
Bust:      -0.5 inches
Hips, thighs, neck, upper arm:  No change

I'm encouraged, but obviously I need to do more work on the lower part of my body (although the neck & arms obviously need work too).  I'd better check our BowFlex book and see what exercises I should add for the hips and thighs.  I sooooo want my thighs to stop rubbing together someday (sorry...ewwwww!)  Sigh.

But still, things are going in the right direction! Yay! :-)  I'm looking forward to shopping for Vancouver! :-D

P.S.  GREAT JOB ON YOUR PROGRESS TOO, HATUSU!! You continue to inspire me. (((Hats))) And that goes for others too, whose names embarrassingly escape me at the moment! *blush*

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