About a week ago my Fibromyalgia started to flare up. The cause was from several fronts -- stress, recent travel, uncomfortable bed. The bottom line was I was in pain and could not get comfortable enough to sleep and without sleep the Fibro gets worse. By the third day I was lucky to get a 30-60 min nap a couple times a day. Then insomnia set in and I was down to around 8 hours of sleep during a 5 day period and I was spiraling down fast -- I was even beginning to hallucinate.
Tuesday I was in a LOT of pain. I described it to Reed as if someone took a sledge hammer and was beating me all over my body. He placed a call to the doctor's office. The receptionist was about to put Reed on hold until she heard my rather loud cries of pain. The doctors office was quick to respond -- a prescription for lots of Percocet and some sedatives. With these in my system I was able to get 5 hours of sleep.
Tuesday night I woke up after an hour. My already irregular heart was beating even more irregular and would not let me rest. Wednesday morning I was miserable. So after another call to the doctor I went in for an appointment. The on call doctor was wonderful. She made some adjustments to my heart meds and that did the trick! Wednesday afternoon I got another 4 hours of sleep. And last night I slept 6 hours! Every hour I get is like candy to me.
While I have had low-sleep nights due to my Firbro, I have never experienced anything like this insomnia. I was in tears asking the doctor to help me sleep.
Another cause for my unrest was our broken down bed. We've been looking into trying to find the right bed for a year now. So we set out to fix that problem this past weekend, which of course turned into it's own adventure! But I'll let
unbeliever64 tell you that tale!
As I type this I am beginning to nod off, so I am still in need of a lot more sleep. Nap time! :)