It's all about the "winning"

Sep 20, 2007 10:46

I was looking around eBay today and was appalled by their tagline:

eBay: Shop Victoriously


Even SHOPPING in America is all about "winning"...

We shall out-buy them in the Walmarts! We shall out-buy them in the K-Marts! We shall out-buy them in the Toys-R-Us!!!

We shall buy lots of cheap Chinese imports with shiny lead and lead based paint to brain damage our children. And poison food that kills our pets. And unsafe pharmaceuticals that could kill us, but at least out our penises will be larger!

If we keep buying all this dangerous crap China is selling us, I think it will be THEM who shall be "Victorious" in the end.

(I think that's enough eBaying for me for a while. Although, I can take some solace in the fact that I was only bidding on a vase by a local area artist.)


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