Dec 26, 2009 17:39
Memo to self: When driving on back roads in a driving rain storm at night, don't be surprised when you crest a hill and find the road covered with a raging stream of black water.
I am very happy to be alive. Car floated and came THIS close to being washed off the edge and down the ravine. Funny how certain things, drilled into your head by the nuns, 40 years ago, come back.
Deus meus, ex toto corde paenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum,
eaque detestor, quia peccando,
non solum poenas a te iuste statutas promeritus sum,
sed praesertim quia offendi te,
summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris.
Ideo firmiter propono,
adiuvante gratia tua,
de cetero me non peccaturum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum.