If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops, oh what a rain that would be...

Aug 29, 2005 13:11

I love this weather!

It's something about it being really cloudy that makes me happy. I don't know. It makes me want to light some inscents, drink some kick ass tea, read for school, eat a light meal, and just play with my psychotic cat. I wish I had worn my pimp ass rain coat...but I don't think people would have been ready for that today. It just sucks that it's raining because a category 5 hurricane is about to wreck havoc...

I finally developed my pictures! There are some funny pics...I'll have to scan them when I get time. My bewber and I look really cute in some pictures. Eeek!

I just had a salad with some bomb ass salad dressing...and now I want more.

School is cool. Even though it takes me a minute to actually talk in class, I am really excited about my class this afternoon. In my SOC class, we are reading different accounts of 9/11 that fall into one of three paradigms of inquiry (woah)--multivariate, interpretive, and historical. I think the most interesting apporach at looking at 9/11 is the dramaturgical perspective which falls under symbolic interactions and such of the interpretive paradigm. Who knew you could apply concepts associated with theater to a seemingly complex phenomena such as a terrorist attack. Neat stuff....

~something is wrong because i just realized i wrote this with correct capitalization of words...mmm...
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