Even Feldt Grace.
Private to self // Addressed to Feldt // Only hackable to those he trusts 100%
Feldt Grace,
You have returned home. It seems that you have atoned enough for your sins and thus, have no need to remain here. You have always indicated that you would rather be at home, on board the Ptolemaios, in space. It is better that you have returned there.
We have not had much interaction, but you are an important member of Celestial Being. Your parents would be proud of you. I regret that I was not able to protect Christina Sierra, whom you are close to. Christina would likely be upset to learn of your return to home.
Aid Celestial Being to achieving its goals.
...I have written this letter to you, but you are not able to read it.
Take good care of yourself, Feldt Grace.
Yours sincerely,
Setsuna F. Seiei