O Hai Thar

Mar 14, 2009 11:41

It seems I keep ditching and coming back to LJ. Unhealthy habit that is. [nodnod]

So, today, I don't know what made me come back. Cause..I had nothing to do and went on an icon search and got to LJ?


Well, news updates for me...

1) STILL trying to get that costume for Anime North this May down in Downtown Toronto. Ontario. Wherever it is. >>;;

2) March Break! One week of no school~ -dances-

3) Haruki's a slow, stupid, idiot. -.- Thank gosh he doesn't have LJ. You can ask..I might ramble.

4) My life as a 17 year old and high school student fails. I can't believe it. Two more years of high school.

In the meantime, I have changed my Profile, again. Um, planning to add more icons. And welcome to a new friend~!

Yep, I'm just that boring.

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