Dec 01, 2003 22:17
hahahahahahahahahahah oh man ive missed my livejournal. =D
my dad gave me five minutes to make an update. ahhaha i was like shit id better get typin fast then. lol
so yeah...too much shit has been going on theese days. lol entirely too much shit. lol but then again, this is my life. so when is it not full of .... drama? lol
ive been online for like an hour or so, but i was too dumb to think oh maybe ill go update my livejournal. so when i got done checking my i asked if i could update and he said, yeah, you got five minutes to get off my god damn computer. lol *shrugs* thats my dad for ya. lol
so i havent really the time to tell you about my life and whats going on. =( i know you all are so depressed. but i'll be returning to IN the weekend of the......okay well lets put it this way, im leaving on the 13th. lol then i'll be able to make a really long update for you all telling you about my splendid time in PA. lol...and i wont livejournal cut it either. hahahahahahahah that way youre FORCED to atleast scroll allllllll the way down past my entry. lol =P
la di da. now that i dont have anything more to say i suppose i can get going. =D
i miss you all, and make sure every one of you comments to this counting, so make sure you comment =P