One of my MySpace friends posted this. I found it funny, so I'm gonna post it here. I know it probably won't get any responses, lol. I just think it's cute! :-P
If your a girl title this "Boyfriend Application", and If your a boy then title this "Girlfriend Application". Repost This and see who's Eligible to be your "Special Someone". Have Fun
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Name: Thick Ranch Dressing a.k.a. the Patrick Swayze of your dreams!
Age: 22, on my way to 23 if you know how to count!
Location: Hell, I think. Literally.
Height: Just the right height for you!
Hair (color nd style): Dark, and currently very short.
Eyes: Two of them! It would suck to only have one eye. Or no eyes for that matter. I'm a big fan of seeing.
Piercings/tattoos: Yes, I have both a peircing and tattoos.
1. Where would we go on dates? On a walk, holding hands.
2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists? You know that I have far too many to even begin to narrow it down, but right now I've been listening to Elliott Smith a lot.
3. Do you drink/smoke? Yes.
4. Do you like the beach? Yes, of course!
5. If so...would you go with me late at night? Yes, if we were actually together late at night near a beach, that is the first place I would take you.
6. Do you like movies? Yes, who doesn't?
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night? Definitely, if i can stay awake!
8. If you were to take me out to a movie would we watch the movie? Yes.
9. If not what would we be doing? Watching the movie.
10. Do you play an instrument? Yes.
11. If so...what? The spoons. I kid, I kid.
12. Would you call me right after we saw eachother to make sure i made it home alright? Yes, I have always made sure to check if you made it home safely.
13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10? 8.5 or 9; I can't claim to be perfect at giving hugs, but I have a lot of practice and I think they are pretty groovy.
14. Favorite body part on a gurl? First of all, it's spelled g-i-r-l. Second of all, the brain is my favorite body part on a "gurl" because nothing says more about a person than by how they think.
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself? I think I'm an honest and straightforward person, but I always deliver the truth with tact.
16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, player, slut)? I might, but I don't know any of them. You would probably know what people say about me more than I would.
17. Would you give me kisses just because? Yes, those are the best kind.
What Would You do if...
I cried: Cry with you.
I said I liked you: Say "I like you too."
I kissed you: Kiss you back.
I wanted to have sex with you: I don't know, I would want to take things slow.
I touched your ass: Laugh!
I was hospitalized: I hope for your sake it never happens, but if it ever does you can bet I would be right there holding your hand through it all.
I ran away from home: Run away with you.
I got in a fight and you were there: Protect you.
I got dumped: Be there for you, and tell you that you are too good for him (because you are).
I pissed you off: I don't think you could.
What Do You Think Of My...
Personality: It's extremely cute and fun. You emit so much positive energy and even talking to you gives me that much strength.
Eyes: Pretty.
Face: Kissable.
Hair: It's pretty. I want to touch it!
Clothes: Take them off? Just kidding!
Voice: It's nice and comforting to hear.
Humor: We have the same sense of humor and I love it.
Choice of music: It's SUPERB! ;)
Manners: You probably have the best manners of anyone I've ever met.
Friends: I haven't met many any of your friends, except maybe 3 or 4 very briefly, but I'm sure that if they are your friends they are good people!
Decisions: I trust that you'll make the right decisions. You're a smart girl and you know what's best for you.
Would You...
Be my friend: I am already your friend, so yeah.
Tell me the truth no matter what: Yes, I always have, even though you didn't want to hear it at the time. You are one of the first people I tell anything to and I don't know if you think that is a good thing or not because sometimes the truth is painful, and for that I am sorry.
Buy me a birthday gift: Yes.
Lie to make me feel better: Absolutely not.
Spread rumors about me: No.
Go out at 4am to get me chocolate: If I was near you at 4am and you wanted it- yes!
The rest:
Keep a secret if I told you one: I've kept all of your secrets so far, and I respect you enough to keep them between you and I. In addition, you have kept my secrets to yourself and I am thankful for that.
Loan me some cash: Yes, if you needed it.
Hold my hand: Yes.
Keep in touch: Yes. From the first time I met you, I knew I wanted to stay in touch with you and I'm glad we have. (And who would have known we'd become such good friends?)
Make me a snack: Yes, I would although you might not like all of my health food!
Try and solve my problems: Of course, I would be willing to do whatever possible to make your problems go away.
Love me: I do love you.
Makeout with me: If we were in a relationship, yes.
Hold me in times of need: Trust me, there is nothing I would rather do than hold you when you needed someone.
Ditch me: Not intentionally. (I'm so sorry about Friday. Forgive me!)
Use me: Never.
Ask me out: If I had even an ounce of courage to spare right now, I would ask you out right this second.
Date me: Yes, I would.
Have sex with me: If we were in a committed relationship and we were both ready to take that step.
Makeout with me whenever you had the chance: If I say yes I might sound like a perv!
Hold me and make my problems go away: I'd love to.
P.S. I'm so bored. Save me!
P.P.S. Are you ready to get our SWAYZE on?!
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