Roughly translated "Gravitas" means "Huevos muchos Grandes"

Mar 30, 2006 23:18

hehe or Atleast it should. I'm listening to the daily show. Sharon stone is on. Have to admit She's Not as scary looking as most women her age. What i'm really waiting for is the the Man the Myth , an the Legend Stephen "Truthiness" Colbert. He's 10 times the patriot Hannity is and 100 times the manly-man O'reilly is an this is why. He doesnt believe in "Facts" Because you see, Facts "Change".....As where his Opinion will never Change. Theres some great comfort in that. not only that He share my belief that Bears are Cold-soulless killing machines and not to be looked as cute or cuddly, Bears After all were the mascot of those dirty-pinko-commies during the cold war. How can you not respect that sort of Insight?! This is my hero. A Man of "Truthiness"

Onto other muy-importante things. I saw "V for Vendetta" Good film, I was actually surprised that it came close to what the source material had. Alan Moore who created "V for Vendetta" in the 80's as a comic book for DC has other of his properties turned into film....only they haven't translated as well anyone remember "From Hell" or "The League of extraordinary gentlemen"?  Both films favoring action and shock then the story. "V" put the story first thought a thoughtful look at where fear can lead an cause the downfall of a society an that  words carry the same force as that of bullets. like i said i was overall surprised. on the techincal note, the D.P. lit everything in a very somber-real way. It was beautiful to look at. Now,The movie i Really want to see next is "Thank you for Smoking" Why? Because i Love spin...I do. More over i love people who believe their more right or "In the Right". but i digress Anyway i found some of the Wondercon pics i took of Bryan Singer director of X-men 1 & 2 an who is Directing "Superman Returns" and Brandon Routh who was the surprise guest He's the New Superman. From what they screened...This film will kickass in a huge way. I had regards going in because i wanted Tom welling to be the superman on film. But after seeing the scenes of Brandon playing  Clark as the shy-klumsy nice guy, he's pretty much channeling Christopher Reeve. Then in another scene you see him speak and stand as superman, it was chilling.  One of the scenes was of the Daily planet news room. Lois, her fiance (Yea, she's engaged an has a child in this film) an Clark are standing with alot of people around them. They're all watching the tv's an something has happened only it doesnt say. Clark who was slouching an looking feeble. Steps away from the people focusing on the moniters. He turns to the elevator (The superman theme starts it's soft-quiet build here) an the steps into the elevator and As the elevator doors close behind him. He pulls open his shirt showing the "S" The next shot is of him Flying from the Daily planet through the sky (Which looked Photo-real) An he turns in the air and flys toward the camera an it cuts to black before he reaches the camera and the big S pops up. People went ballistic. I was in damn near shock lol. but was very-very cool. Anyway this is a snap of Brandon and Bryan. It comes out June 30th, My badass is that?  =D

Anyway that's about all i have time to post about. I'm out. I'll probably post some more drawings later in the week.

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