Why don't you get a job?

Sep 21, 2011 00:51

I know I don't need to tell a lot of you this, but man, job searching is depressing.

All the politicians think they're getting on the American public's good side by talking about "job creation," but I think that's a bunch of crap. For the most part, I really don't see how tax breaks are going to get companies to create jobs. I think Obama was on the right track in his jobs speech when he proposed tax credits for companies that hire long-term unemployed; actually requiring them to do that to get the tax break makes sense. But in general I can't see what the incentive is for a company to hire more workers or create new positions if they aren't forced to in order to get their tax breaks. If they've been getting by with the number of employees they have, in the spirit of capitalism it seems like it would make much more sense for them to continue with the workforce they have and pocket tax breaks as profit. Giving money to "job creators" and assuming they'll do the right thing is just way too idealistic.

I think the term "job creator" just in general makes me sad, though, because I wish it was more than it is. I wish it meant there's actually someone out there who only needs some extra money, and then he or she could look at each unemployed person's qualifications and desires and be like, "Hey, we just created the perfect job for you! Come work and be content." Obviously it's never going to work that way. But I think part of the reason it saddens me is because I'm not exactly sure what I want to do. I was foolish and majored in English because I enjoyed it and it made me a more well-rounded, thoughtful person, but it didn't mold me to a particular career like a nursing or accounting degree might. While I feel like I'm qualified for a lot of things, I must not be, because I have yet to get an interview for anything I've applied for. Of course, practically every job posting I find also wants "5+ years of experience," which I don't have, so that doesn't help. But this is not a good time to be a liberal arts major, that's for sure.
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