Hm. I've missed a lot of days of the photo meme. I'll try to get back to that tomorrow!
But, as I'm sure many of you are aware, today was declared "spirit day." By wearing purple, people were honoring the memories of many teens who have recently committed suicide and were victims of homophobic bullying. It was pretty awesome how many people at school cared enough to show their support; almost everyone in my choir, for example, had purple on today.
But I have to say I was disappointed in an acquaintance of mine on Facebook. Here is what she had up as her status today:
I unknowingly wore purple today. I've had to explain to people twice that No I am not in support of that lifestyle, though i know people who choose it and love them but not their actions. Jeez... WHY the color purple... seriously.
I mean, at least she wasn't hateful, but in her replies to people on the status, it was clear that she was upset that supporters of the LGBTQ community "stole" a color for a day to represent something she doesn't support, because she really did not like that people could assume she was part of this day by her choice of clothing.
However, if I'm being perfectly honest with myself, it wasn't too long ago that I would have agreed with her. And I'm pretty sure I know why. While she and I didn't go to the same church, we're both members of the same synod of the Lutheran church, which is known for being very conservative, with extremely literal interpretations of the Bible. (Or, at least, I'm technically still a member, though I haven't been to a service in several years) Obviously, this church, as many do, teaches that homosexuality is WRONG. CAPSLOCK. As taken from their current
Are homosexuals accepted in WELS?
It depends on what the question implies. Could a church member experience homosexual feelings or temptation? The answer is yes. Our society loves to debate whether an inclination toward homosexuality is due to hereditary or environmental factors, but this is utterly beside the point. The devil, the world, and our inherited sinful nature assault each one of us in different ways. One believer struggles with gambling, another with alcohol, another with a quick temper, another with indifference toward those in need, etc. The fact that a person experiences temptation in one form and not in another does not put him or her out of the kingdom of God.
Is it possible for a church member to stumble and fall into the sin of homosexuality? The answer again is yes. Scripture does not classify sinful actions into "sins that believers commit" and "sins that only unbelievers commit." The fact that someone sinned sexually with a person of the same gender does not, all by itself, mean that the person isn't a believer, any more than would an act of heterosexual immorality, drunkenness, reckless driving, or cheating on one's taxes.
Can a person remain a practicing homosexual in defiance of God's Word and also be a believing member of the church? The answer is no. Believers agree that what God calls "sin" is sin. They turn from their sin, receive God's forgiveness, and battle against the sin in their lives with the help of God's Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:9,10 are perhaps the key passages on this subject in Scripture. First, note that it includes homosexuality in a catalogue of other sins, with no indication that it is any worse (or any less bad) than greed, slander, or cheating someone. Then, speaking to Christians, Paul says, "That is what some of you were" (1 Corinthians 6:11). The past tense is significant.
So, because of all that, I can totally see why she feels that way, and why I did for a time. I certainly don't think it's right anymore, and haven't for a long time...but a lot of people do, because that's what their religion dictates. I know this is no new revelation, but it pisses me off, and I just felt the need to mention it today.