Sep 03, 2005 00:31
there are certain points in my life where i have become aware of the unqquestionable enormity of the entire world. and these aren't points when you'd suppose i would receive these revelations but when im sitting at home reading a magazine or watching a movie, rather than when i visit places like london, hawaii or mexico.
i think that everyone living in america is given the gift upon birth of denial, which we have the right at any point in our lives to excercise. we can say 'because i can't see it - it doesn't exist'
its like when we get old enough to think for ourselves we are given the option - blue pill or red pill.
and if you take the one that lets you in on the worlds secrets you really will realize how little difference one person is in this world, or how very big and corrupt a world we are living in.
America is all shiny and glossy and new with all the trash tucked away from us, so its easy to just ignore it and pretend that there are people who are suffering for our cheap clothes or easy excistance. but since we live in america or britain or france or any of the other countries that arn't part of the 'third world' its easy to forget about it. And its not just easy but encouraged.
the red pill isn't exactly easy to get access to but its also hard to get the motivation up to look for it.
im not saying this from an 'me vs. the world' point of view because i think im as guilty as anyone else of this. i think its so hard to try and find out what is actually going on in the world than to just scan our local newspaper and assume what is written is true and go on with my very pleasant existance.
i just sometimes think that if i were to one day get out into the real world how far would i go for what is right or just?