Dec 29, 2005 15:19
oh god, i am sick. i mean really, really sick.
considering i was basically fine last night, besides some allergies here & there.
today i can't breathe out of my nose.
& i've gotta blow it every 5 minutes :[. plus sneezing.
my throat hurts like hell if i'm not constantly drinking.
i've got a cough. & a hella bad headache.
and my body feels brutally weak. lifting the thing of tea out of the fridge was hard.
omfg. where did this come from? wah.
in my opinion:
- tea is the best to drink when you're sick.
- sigur ros is definately the best to listen to when you've got a headache.
- wolf parade & metric are definately not. tried it.
- yoga is the best when you're sick but you know you need to get off your ass.
- loud 20-year-old brothers should not-be-home like this more often. when you're sick.
i need someone to do something to cheer me up :[.
like, make me something cute in paint lmao.
idk. or give me lotsa myspace comments. mhm.
(or not. i'm so demanding, lol.)
ooh. look at my kissy icon. aww@me&zach:].