As I have said before, I am a huge "professional" wrestling fan. Ever since I heard the news of Eddie Guerrero I have been trying to put together the words that can best explain just what this world has lost in his passing.
In the ring, he was one of my favorite performers to watch. He always had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. He could make you laugh, cry, cheer, boo, and then laugh again..... all in the same sentence.
I have watched Eddie Guerrero on television since he was in Ted Turners WCW. He always made me wonder just how the hell he would land a move and not kill himself or his opponent.
I will be the first to say I am not good with words, and that no matter what I say here won't bring back a wrestler that I loved to watch in the ring, or on a mic. All I can say is that wrestling won't be the same on Friday Nights without seeing Eddie lie, cheat and steal his way to victory.
I heard the news when my wife called me up while I was at work and told me what
was just reported on the news. How he died is still not being broadcasted over any media spectrum, just that the results of the autopsy were "inconclusive".
Ever since I learned of his death I have been numb. I knew of no injury that could have caused his death from one week to the next. And I am not going to speculate on what happend.
The only thing I can say is tell your family and friends how you feel while you still have the chance. Eddie's death was sudden, and happend in the middle of the night. And it just goes to show you that even at an age under 40, you may not wake up tomorrow, or someone you love may not wake up......
God I wish I could say this right. I have no clue what I have written here, I will just go click on the entry button and hope I don't look too foolish. But before I do, I would like to say Eddie, I will miss seeing you entertain me. And I pray that your family remains safe in your absence.
Autopsy Reports are in.... Heart Failure. Please visit and click on the link for more information.