(no subject)

Sep 09, 2008 14:47

Feeling lurkery again.

Saw Cats the day beore yesterday. It was amazing and indescribable - or perhaps it's just that I don't know enough about dance to be able to descibe it; it was as much a dance as a musical, which I hadn't realised before. There were ballet-like bits and prowly bits and tapdancing and (in the case of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer) synchronised cartwheels, and they all stayed utterly in character. Which was feline, and the costumes were gorgeous. I was, for example, torn between lusting after the Rumtumtugger, wanting to slash him with one of the other cats, and wanting to get him neutered.
The singing was also gorgeous. I still have bits of the music floating around in my brain.

Saw the first half of The Colour of Magic on TV yesterday. I had been assuming that no movie could possibly do the Discworld justice, but it was brilliant. Death kept popping up to hold conversations with Rincewind when he was in moral peril (often). Twoflower was played by the same actor as Samwise Gamgee and made an excellent hapless tourist ("OMG how is he not dead" levels of hapless touristness) . Ankh Morpork was considerably cleaner than the real one what I'd imagined, and the luggage less extremely homicidal, but still luggagelike.

More dragon eggs. For there is a little voice in the back of my head saying "I must have all of them. All there are."

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