Title: Deception
Rating: PG
Summary: Introspective Doctor piece set during Voyage of the Damned (will make more sense if you've seen it; may contain traces of spoilers). Slightly dark interpretation.
Disclaimer: Nope. Still don't own.
You’re lying. You’re lying through your teeth and it doesn’t matter because chances are they’re going to die here. And even if they don’t… a few minutes, a few decades - what difference does it make? They’re going, going, gone, and you? You’re a Time Lord; you’re the Lonely God, the Oncoming Storm, and if you want to pretend that what you are means you can make a difference, then that’s what you’ll do.
You tell them you can save them. You tell yourself you can save them.
Who knows? Maybe if you believe it hard enough it will be true.