Feb 19, 2007 14:10
Hi, all!
Back from Australia (MacLaren Vale, near Adelaide, South Australia). Had a wonderful time.
Went to four different art exibitions.
Played tennis with 11 year old cousin, twice. First time I've played with someone worse than I am. Was fun, but extremely hot.
Went swimming frequently. Picked up cousin and spun her 'round in circles, once. Was then forced to do it again and again and again. With extra agains. Was also fun, but a good way to get seasick in a swimming pool.
Went to wildlife park.
Petted koalas. They were remarkably boring (but in a "wow! Real live koalas" sort of way) and completely ignored everything but the gum leaves they were eating. Also, they had slit-pupilled eyes - I never knew that.
Saw wombat. Was curled in ball sleeping, looking very like a beanbag. Later it woke up enough to turn around a look like a wombat.
Fed kangaroos - one of which was obnoxious enough to try to eat the paper bag the food came in. Fed paper bag to kangaroo once finished with it.
Saw pelican in lake.
Saw echidna. Nose long enough to stick right under the door of its enclusure, with the tip sticking out. Startlingly long tongue (about 10cm).
Crocodiles looked like very well done statues of crocodiles.
Dingoes looked like yellow dogs.
Peacocks were loose, and flew into the enclosures sometimes. Very beautiful.
Went to two beaches - one of which had a nudist beach end. Didn't find this out until I saw nudist in the distance. Collected lots of very nice rocks that washed out of the nearby clifts and onto the shore. Beaches had rocks instead of shells, mostly, which was good because I'm not sure I'd have been allowed to take shells back to New Zealand.
Had finger bitten by talking parrot that refused to talk until we gave up, said "see you" and started to leave. Then it said "see you" back, many times.
Temperature by the time I left was 35 C and rising.
Had such, such, such an amazing time! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
Got home about half past three in the morning.
Just before I left for Australia, I'd bought a packet of Salt & Vinegar chips (a big one, 300g) that turned out to be chicken flavoured. Wrote a letter of complaint. Just got a letter back with a replacement voucher for two packets of chips. The moral of the story is: complain about food whenever reasonaby possible.
Wrote a sequel-pair to Things to do Today and Things to do Today, Savvy. Will post them sometime.
Glad to be back,