Title: DADA - APDT
Rating: G
Summary: A breif account of 7th year DADA, as taken by Professor Weasley.
89. Defence Against the Dark Arts - Advanced Poison Detection Training
Officially, their 7th year DADA teacher was one Professor George
Weasley, Journeyman potions-maker, and co-owner of WWW with his brother
Fred. In reality, though the students never saw them both
together, there were reports of him being in two - sometimes three -
places at once, and no-one that knew them believed for a second that
Fred wasn't in on the joke.
Being professors hadn't made the twins stop pranking, but it had caused
them to give it a new name - advanced poison detection training.
By the end of the year, they had produced a group of highly paranoid
yet confident, individuals, many of whom were innovative pranksters in
their own right, and all of whom had an uncanny aptitude for seeing
through magical disguises.
Forces to be reckoned with.
Had he still been alive after they were done with him, Voldemort might have grudgingly agreed.