Title: Windows
Pairing: Sparrington
cjk1701 - Inspired by her Norrington challenge, though I didn't get the idea until she tallied up the results for that.
Summary: Something that would really annoy the cliche version of Jack Sparrow.
Commodore James Norrington didn't have windows in his bedroom. If
he couldn't sleep on his ship, if he absolutely had to be away from the
myriad soothing sounds of the ocean, then at least it could be
dark. In the dark, curled on his side in a nest of many many
pillows and blankets, he could sleep. Which meant no windows.
Every morning his servants (he had two, to keep each other company, and
a cook, who, for a cook, was bizarrely non-territorial) painstakingly
untangled blankets and pillows and made his bed, ever so fastidiously
neatly. And every evening James systematically pulled it apart,
buried himself beneath the bedclothes, and fell went to sleep.
His servants, as they readied the rest of the house for the night and
blew out the few candles still lit, tut-tutted about the Caribbean heat
and wondered how ever the master managed to sleep like that, and
whether he wouldn't make himself sick. They wondered furthermore,
why they bothered to make his bed in the first place, if he was just
going to tear it apart again. This was Tradition however, and
quite without rancor, for they were very fond of master Jamie, and
would sooner consider joining the nearest pirate crew than failing in
their duties.
And so life went on, to the great distress of one Captain Jack Sparrow,
who despite his genius had yet to find a way of climbing through a
window that wasn't there, and was thus thwarted in his latest nefarious
scheme. It was a good one, too - he'd had his heart set on
it. Ah well, there was always the Governor to traumatize.
Something told him it wouldn't be that same.