
Feb 13, 2009 20:52

I just spent about an hour giggling over watching the first episode of Merlin. And yes, the episode was only three quarters of an hour, but I had to rewatch bits so I could laugh at them some more*.
And I was not watching it for the slash. I was going to be watching it for the slash, but no - I found myself watching it for Merlin's irrepressible smile and complete lack of survival instincts. He has none. Really, really none. It's ridiculous.
It's delightful.
And I love Gaius and Uther and Gwen and Morgana and Arthur and the Dragon and... fine. Also the slash.

Most rewatched line:
Merlin: No. No way. No. No, there must be another Arthur, because this one's an idiot.
SlashDragon: Perhaps it's your destiny to change that.

* And then I had to rewatch other bits, because I'd forgotten to notice that Eve Myles (Torchwood's Gwen) was playing the villainess (I'm terribly bad at recognising people, when I'm not concentrating on it). And she was! It was brilliant. It had the effect of giving me even more reasons to laugh at it - and I thought the scene where she was flirting with Giles Uther was crack before.
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