FIC: Western Lovers:Cowboys & Biologists (29/34)

Dec 18, 2006 08:10

Title: Western Lovers: Cowboys and Biologists <28/34>
Beta by the talented alassenya
Pairing: OB/DW
Rating: NC-17 for the series, and for this chapter.
Summary: David is a hard, jaded warrior, Orlando is a biologist tracking Big Cats on the Double L.
Feedback: Feedback is my writers crack, which is not to be confused at all with plumbers crack.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. These men whilst adorable and perfectly happy to slash themselves, their actual relationship is something that they only know. This story is adapted from a series of books that I adored when I was younger written by Elizabeth Lowell.
Word Count: 3378
Previous Story: Can be found here
Previous Ordaisy chapter: As suggested by mystery_ink can be found here
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3| Chapter 4| Chapter 5| Chapter 6| Chapter 7| Chapter 8| Chapter 9| Chapter 10| Chapter 11| Chapter 12| Chapter 13| Chapter 14| Chapter 15| Chapter 16| Chapter 17| Chapter 18| Chapter 19| Chapter 20| Chapter 21| Chapter 22| Chapter 23| Chapter 24| Chapter 25| Chapter 26| Chapter 27| Chapter 28

Posted to: fellowshippers, monaboyd and ordaisy
Header Art: Courtesy of the incredibly talented loki_girl.
Author’s Notes: Special thanks to dylan_dufresne. My humble apologies for taking so long to get back into the swing of things. Should everything go according to plan, I’ll be posting a chapter a day until finished.

Hearing the slow grinding beat of a country song filling the air as they slipped out of the motel room, David slipped his hand into Orlando’s and dragged him back into the dance. As they entered the room, David stopped dead in his tracks. The five piece band played on the makeshift stage, while the Double L family and the townsfolk were almost all on the dance floor. Viggo and Liv, Billy and Dom, and even the ranch hands were all dancing with young ladies from town in a huge ever moving circle. David’s eyebrow quirked as he noticed that their newest hand, Lee, a young woman who had drifted onto the Double L a few weeks ago, was happily ensconced in the arms of a young lady.

“Who’d have thought?” David murmured, gesturing at Lee and her partner as he pulled Orlando into his arms.

“When love is there, nothing else really matters, but I think they’re cute,” Orlando spoke cryptically and gesticulated towards the others. “They're not nearly as cute as your brother, or the rest of your family for that matter.”

David turned his attention to his family. Liv, her long hair flowing around her shoulders, was nestled under Viggo’s strong arm, her face radiant with happiness as Viggo tightened his hand around hers and he spun her away from his body and reeled her back in, her softly flowing skirt billowing around her knees.

Directly behind them, Dom was ensconced in Billy’s arms, one arm behind the other's back, the other with their fingers laced together in front as their feet moved in unison, their bodies flowing in perfect harmony. Dom’s head tilted to rest on Billy’s shoulder as they shared intimate words. A smile curled David’s lips as he realized that Dom was healing his brother, again.

“They’re perfect together aren’t they,” David murmured, his breath fanning Orlando’s hair as he pulled him into his arms.

“Almost as perfect as us,” Orlando whispered, tilting his head up to kiss the silky pelt of David’s beard.

“Didn’t someone mention a dance and then plans?” He slid his hand down the length of one of David’s strongly muscled thighs.

“Interested in a bit of horizontal dancing are we?” David asked.

“More than a little bit, if it’s all the same to you.” Orlando’s hand brushed against David’s groin as his words brushed the skin of David’s neck.

Pulling Orlando by the hand after him, they fell into the circle between Billy and Dom and Viggo and Liv. David’s arm slid around Orlando’s shoulders as he led him through the first round of intricate steps laughingly, both men were out of time more than they were in time. As Orlando spun out away from him David’s eyes met Billy’s.

“Where did you disappear to?” Billy asked innocently.

“Now Billy,” Viggo’s voice drifted to them over the husky gravel of the vocalist’s voice. “Don’t tease your brother. Anyone can see he’s been mattress dancing.”

“Lucky mattress,” Liv grinned, tossing a playful grin over Viggo’s shoulder, her fingers tracing over the curve of Viggo’s buttocks.

“Are we done now?” David growled, the smile on his face negating the venom in his words.

“They are.” Dom grinned, poking Billy in the ribs as he spun away from his body, and was pulled back in again.

“We’re not going to wait for last drinks,” David stated.

The dance completed, the participants started to scatter, wandering to the bar and to their seats, mingling and laughter flowing around the room.

“Going home are we?” Billy asked quietly, fully cognizant of his brothers plans. He’d caught him earlier in the day whilst in preparation for the evening and had lent a helping hand.

“No.” David grinned slyly, “We’ll see y’all for breakfast.” He tugged Orlando by the hand away from the dance floor, laughing as Orlando waved to their friends and family.

“We won’t wait up.” Dom called after them as both couples watched their retreat with wide grins and laughter.


Moving quickly down the stairs at the side of the porch, Orlando pulled David into the shadows of the narrow lane beside the building. Pressing him against the wall, Orlando’s hands framed David’s head as he leaned in for a kiss. Their mouths were already open as their lips met, tongues delving hungrily. Lips sliding wetly, devouring each other, Orlando pressing his body against David’s, perfectly aligned from head to toe. David’s hands slid down Orlando’s torso and grasped his hips, pulling him tightly against him, grinding into his lover. The friction only made Orlando hungrier. The kiss deepened, Orlando’s mouth sliding sloppily across David’s bearded face and back to his mouth again. Tongue plunging, teeth clashing, lips slippery and wet as Orlando devoured him, David moaned under the onslaught. Desperate to grow be as physically close as he could without climbing into his lover.

“Orli. Please,” David framed Orlando’s face with his hands and pulled him back enough to speak. “Stop.”

“Need. You.” Orlando moaned. “Can’t wait much longer.” He arched his hips into David’s body and ground wantonly.

“Please, Orli.” David held his shoulders and pushed him away from his body, then cupped Orlando’s face, tilting it to look into his passion glazed eyes. “Just a few more minutes. I swear. But I need you to help me. I swear to God if you touch me again, before we get to the car, I won’t be able to not fuck you right here in this alley.”

“That would be so bad?” Orli struggled to press himself against David’s body again.

“I’ve got plans for you tonight, Fairytale Boy. You aren’t the only one who made arrangements for us tonight.” David pressed a quick kiss to Orlando’s swollen lips. “Help me?”

Drawing a deep breath, Orlando pulled away from David’s touch. Closing his eyes briefly, Orlando looked up into David’s face as he pressed the heel of his hand against his own arousal relentlessly, a soft gasp leaving his lips. His eyes were heavy-lidded with arousal and his lips were kiss-swollen and glistening as his tongue darted out to wet them even more.

“Then lead on, warrior.” Orlando murmured, his voice husky with the force of his arousal.

His lips pressed together in determination, David pushed away from the wall and walked towards their truck without a backward glance. Orlando followed behind him, watching the play of David’s muscled buttocks under denim as he walked. David slid behind the wheel and waited for Orlando to climb into his side, before he started the truck and drove off.

Sliding into the centre of the wide bench seat, Orlando leaned forward and flicked through the CDs sitting in a console beside the stereo system. A soft smile twisted his lips as he recognized the music, before he selected one and slid it into the CD player. A smoky female voice poured from the speakers, melodic strings and piano music accompanying her. Sliding closer to David, Orlando leaned his head on David’s shoulder, his long fingered hand resting on David’s thigh. His eyes drifted closed as he felt the play of muscles under his hand while David drove. Whatever else the night brought, Orlando was a happy man, David might not be ready to say he loved him, but tonight he had said it in every way but with words.

“Where are we off too?” Orlando asked quietly.

“Away from people,” David answered, “I want you all to myself.”

Tilting his head, Orlando caught David’s earlobe in his teeth and tugged gently. “We’re away from town now.”

Turning the wheel, David drove in silence for a few miles before he stopped the truck and turned in his seat, leaning across Orlando, he opened the glove compartment and pulled a length of brown silk out. Fingers splayed, David cupped the back of Orlando’s head, his fingers twining in the soft curls, before he dragged Orlando closer for a long, wet kiss. As he drew back from the kiss, David slipped the silk around Orlando’s face and tied the blindfold securely.

“Kinky,” Orlando whispered, leaning forward to resume their kiss.

“Hold that thought,” David murmured, pulling away from Orlando’s embrace he slid out of the truck.

Orlando sat silently, listening intently to the noises David was making outside, and thinking about his lover, his hand slipped to his crotch and slowly rubbed his arousal through the thick denim, drawing a soft sigh from his lips.

“I don’t think so.” David stated as his hand darted out to move Orlando’s fingers, bringing them to his lips to press a kiss to his palm. “I think that could be my job.”

“I think you may have been a little slack in your duties then.” Orlando sighed as David’s fingers slid across his arousal.

“Oh, I don’t think so.” David murmured, his fingers sliding across the denim, fingers folding around the insistent ridge and stroking insistently.

“David. Please?” Orlando groaned, his hips arching up into David’s touch, physically begging for the completion his body craved like air.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.” David leaned forward and pressed his lips against Orlando’s and kissed him slowly. His tongue trailed across Orlando’s lips and kissed him tenderly.

Lifting him off the seat and waiting until Orlando had found his feet then led him around to the back of the truck.

Kissing him wetly, David turned him in his arms and slowly unlooped the sash of silk from around his face. With Orlando’s back pressed against his chest, David watched Orlando’s face as he saw David’s preparations.

Orlando’s eyes widened, his hands stroking David’s arms as he saw the satin covered mattress in the bed of the truck, a mountain of soft pillows at its head. Several sturdy pillar candles stood burning on the edges of the tailgate and across the top of the cabin.

“You did this for me?” Orlando breathed, his lips finding the corner of David’s mouth as he spoke.

“Us.” David murmured, releasing his hold on Orlando, he hoisted himself onto the tailgate and pulled his boots from his feet, looking up into his lover’s face, he slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. “Can I interest you in joining me?”

Chapter 30


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