Living the dream...

Jan 27, 2007 12:38

Yeah, so yesterday I got up, met some friends, and went on a pilgrimage. Where to, you ask? A little place called , Platform 9 3/4 London! That's right folks, I attempted to get through the barrier. But alas, I am a Muggle. =( I will try adding a picture later. At the moment, LJ hates me. 
We also went to Camden Market, which is north of me. Nat and Jay, you girls would have gone crazyyy! It was huge and basically one entire street was Hot Topic central. I needed all my will power to avoid buying a polka dot 50s style dress that fit me PERFECTLY. Couldn't spend so much money though--at least, not so early in the semester. ;)

However, today we're going to HARROD'S, which should be an anagram for DOOM. It's the last day of their winter sale. Hopefully I don't fall in love with anything because we might have issues if that is the case...Such as my own murder when/if my dad finds a sizeable charge on his statement...

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