Because I have nothing better to do.

Dec 31, 2006 16:33

First, my apologies. I did not send out Christmas cards this year--to anyone. Things got crazy, and I just didn't have time. But then, as I didn't receive any, I guess I can't really feel guilty. Call it even, guys? =P

Also, I hate it when people tell you they will call you back and then they don't. I was supposed to work this party this coming Saturday, but I want to get out of it because instead I could go to NYC with my all-time favorite person ever (no exaggeration) one more time before London and buy a kick-ass pair of galoshes (or Wellies, as the Brits say!). But I haven't heard back from the person in charge Re: whether they've found someone else. I don't see why she couldn't have, I gave her about 9 days notice. But whatever. If it doesn't work out, I'll just make a little more money before I leave and see said favorite person a different time. It just would have been fun, and at this point I don't really care about money as much as I do spending time with people I love. Considering I will see no one until the end of May. Eeek!

London. is. so. soon. I'm trying not to get too excited, because well, we know what happened the last time I got excited for Europe. And with my luck, there will be a revenge-Saddam-death terrorist attack in London and I'll be screwed. Wouldn't really surprise me. If I remain this pessimistic, when it actually does happen I will be all the more excited. Cheerio, my good lads!

Lastly, I really despise New Year's Eve. It's never fun and celebratory for me. Either I get pissed off at drunk people, or I get stuck with people who are moody/on the verge of a breakdown. This year it might even be both, if I go to a party early and come back in time for the ball to drop. It really irritates me. Can't wait for tonight to just be over with.
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