After devoting over 160 hours of my life to FFX, I must say that I'm a bit burnt out. If you recall, I seem to have an unnatural urge to explore and exploit every nook and cranny of a given RPG. See the first paragraph of this post:
The Sporting Life.
While I was initially overjoyed at the prospect of exploring such a massive and well-done game, I now regret my inefficiency and the overall bad job I've done. The problem is that I didn't do a good job of plotting my course. It just wasn't well thought out. If it had been, I could've been done in half the time. Another problem that rankles me a bit more than the inefficiency (although that's the cause of my burn-out) was that of consistency. By now, we're dealing with semantics, but...
For one that prides himself on higher level reasoning, crtical thinking, problem solving, and analysis, I sure screwed this one up. Sheez.
I think I'll just move on and come back to it sporadically come back to chip away at the massive ends that are left to tie up. Not that anyone cares.
Speaking of massive endeavours, I think that I want to go back and tag my old posts and create a sort of linkdump-esque system. The idea is to be able to go back and see how my writing and thinking has changed over the years, vis a vis certain topics. When I'm famous and people will flock to my journal, they're going to want to be able to navigate easily.