Dec 19, 2004 12:40
Broken Hearts are for assholes
Frank Zappa ^^
I had a dream last night about writing this very post from Gillentine's computer, and something about Ole Miss. Cut to what seems like some kind of WWII death march setting. All Japanese people are marching through some jungle, they all look like hell, a motley of injuries. Somehow, I'm not phased. They're all dehydrated and bloody, and they're wading off into the river, but it just stings the huge gashes in their bodies. This one guy with a huge cut in his shoulder (kind of shaped like a mouth or lips) is talking to me, good natured, cracking jokes and such. I keep thinking "That thing on his arm looks like it would have teeth in it, surely not" Until his mouth-wound opens up and it has teeth. Kind of like when the girl jumps out of the TV in the Ring.
Of course, I'm totally freeked out b/c it's one of those deals that you realize you're dreaming, and I'm like "What the hell kind of dream is this?" Cut to something about honeymoons, celebrities, and the Deftones.
So... that list. I'm an asshole. Chauvanistic, obnoxious, rude. Ok, so some I semi-dated, but there's no excuse for some of that. I'm sorry, to everyone concerned that I unknowingly fucked over. If I could change one thing about the way I handled high school, I'd be more considerate of others' feelings when it comes to casual hooking up and its consequences. I also wouldn't have been stupid and wasted so much time hooking up with people trying to dismiss what I really wanted and just "gone for it." Stupid insecurity and selfdoubt and being short. All's well that ends well.
Work day - don't check your phone for calls until later :). And what was that all about?
Self-imposed embargo - 7 days left (including the rest of today.) Christmas will be fabulous.